The Revolution Group Blog

Expert Insights to Revolutionize Your Business

At Revolution Group, our cutting-edge managed IT and Plex ERP solutions empower businesses to harness the power of technology, transforming their operations and unlocking new-found potential.

We invite you to stay tuned to our blog as we dive into the latest trends, share expert insights, and showcase how our comprehensive services can help revolutionize businesses like yours!

The Revolution Group Blog
Cloud Computing – Is it the Right Time to Make the Switch?

Cloud Computing – Is it the Right Time to Make the Switch?

Cloud computing has evolved with increasing acceleration since the 1950s when mainframe computers first came into existence. From the mainframe to cluster computing to grid computing to virtualization and Web 2.0, fast forward to today and cloud computing is ubiquitous. Nearly every organization uses some form of cloud computing, whether it be Software as a Service (SaaS), Infrastructure-as-a Service (IaaS) or Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS).

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5 Ways to Avoid Phishing Attacks

5 Ways to Avoid Phishing Attacks

In a world where new cyber threats and techniques seem to develop almost weekly, some phishing tactics that have stood the test of time and continue to jeopardize corporate security. The email below came to me from a bogus address masked as coming from one of our owners. This is a common tactic – sending a phishing email asking for important company information from an executive who is often out of the office.

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Managed IT Services

Managed IT Services

CIO level expertise, managed technology services, and strategic IT support delivered with a smile.
Managed IT Services Columbus Ohio
Plex Smart Manufacturing Platform™

Plex Services

Comprehensive ERP and MES consulting services including system selection and deployment, optimization, extended application development and systems integration.

Plex Systems