The Revolution Group Blog

Expert Insights to Revolutionize Your Business

At Revolution Group, our cutting-edge managed IT and Plex ERP solutions empower businesses to harness the power of technology, transforming their operations and unlocking new-found potential.

We invite you to stay tuned to our blog as we dive into the latest trends, share expert insights, and showcase how our comprehensive services can help revolutionize businesses like yours!

The Revolution Group Blog
What Should I Pack When I Move to the Cloud?

What Should I Pack When I Move to the Cloud?

Just like moving to a new office, making a move to the cloud provides companies the opportunity to clean out and get rid of some old items they won’t use anymore. However, because cloud computing encompasses applications, security and processing, the clean-up can seem daunting. Here is a quick guide on what to keep and what to toss when you make the move to the cloud.

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Web Filtering: Are You Protected?

Web Filtering: Are You Protected?

The internet has provided businesses everywhere with resources to learn, grow, and collaborate on just about every topic imaginable. Accessing that information has become all too easy. For every good, valuable piece of information the internet provides, it also delivers users bad content too. Typically, bad content is considered anything that a company would not approve of their users accessing.

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Expert Tips for Remote Access

Expert Tips for Remote Access

Over the last five to ten years, workplace cultures have undergone a transformation. More than ever, the workforce is demanding flexibility in their work environments. From hotel rooms, to airports, to the home-offices, employees are logging hours remotely in vast numbers. According to data from Gallup’s State of the American Workplace, 39% of employees surveyed spend some amount of time working remotely.

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Managed IT Services

Managed IT Services

CIO level expertise, managed technology services, and strategic IT support delivered with a smile.
Managed IT Services Columbus Ohio
Plex Smart Manufacturing Platform™

Plex Services

Comprehensive ERP and MES consulting services including system selection and deployment, optimization, extended application development and systems integration.

Plex Systems