“Before and After” an ERP Implementation
A new ERP solution can be the inspiration for sustainable improvements and long term success. Many organizations are considering new ERP solutions to transform their inefficient business processes, improve operations, scale for growth, meet customer requirements and save or reallocate funds. Today, your organization may suffer from a lack of access to data. ERP solutions integrate back office processes with shop floor processes, providing a real time single version of the truth.
Before an ERP implementation, you may notice that the time to process an order slows down the communication between departments. This is especially true for sales and manufacturing, which happen to be two of the most important areas of your business. After an ERP implementation, the flow of production and data throughout the system is improved and you will begin to see strategy behind results.
One of the common frustrations in manufacturing companies is that there is too much waste. Reducing waste can mean more than just waste of product. An essential way to reduce waste within an organization is to recognize that to improve efficiency, it’s best to remove waste of information and data, as well.
Keeping up to date with your inventory count is another important aspect to manufacturing. Without the proper tools to keep accurate inventory records, your business is more susceptible to having too much or too little of the materials needed. After an ERP implementation, you have the key ingredient to success: standards. All items are labeled, valued and accessible. To track inventory, consider investing in mobile hardware and barcoding. In doing so, you enable accurate identification of deliveries, material handling and shipments.
Companies often struggle with not only to tracking data but managing it as well. With an abundance of information within your organization, it can be intimidating to consolidate it all. But for quicker responsiveness, greater productivity and reduced costs, the solution is to go paperless. Before an ERP implementation, your organization may be lacking proper documentation and organization. When you implement an ERP system, you gain flow charts and screen captures, proper reporting, effective auditing and effective training methods for employees.
Through these methods, an organization can produce sustainable inventory accuracy, increased capacity and improved delivery to customers, which in turn, produces a return of investment back to the company.
Revolution Group helps companies gain insight into their businesses through integrated ERP solutions. If you would like to learn how Revolution Group can help you reach your business goals, give us a call at 614-212-1111. We would love to change the way you think about ERP.