Our Favorite Office 365 Features
Office 365 is the cloud-based, subscription model of Microsoft Office. For a business, Office 365 comes in three different packages to meet varying business needs – Business, Business Essentials, and Business Premium. Although Office 365 has been around since 2011, Microsoft continues to update the software and release new versions, typically labeled Enterprise (E) followed by the version number. Most recently, Microsoft released Office 365 version E5.
As mentioned earlier, Office 365 is constantly changing and improving so it is difficult for a typical user to track those changes and be able to utilize their Office 365 system to the fullest. So, our Managed Services experts have come up with their favorite Office 365 features that our clients love.
1. CoAuthoring
Multiple people can edit the same document at the same time using Office 365. As you are working in the document, it will notify you when someone else is viewing the document and show you the changes that they’ve made. Instead of saving multiple copies and emailing attached documents, CoAuthoring allows you to save time and reduce the risk of human error by not having multiple versions.
2. Make Notes into Calendar Items
When taking notes in OneNote, you can easily convert them to tasks with deadlines and add them to your calendar. The redundancy of putting the information in two locations is now a thing of the past with Microsoft’s note-taking tool. Imagine sitting in one meeting taking notes and scheduling your next meeting without ever having to leave OneNote.
3. Microsoft Sway
This is the new presentation tool that leaves PowerPoint in the dust. Sway’s easy to use functions allow you to make your presentations more dynamic with drag and drop features including video, social media and images. If you know how to create a PowerPoint, you will have no trouble using Sway – plus it’s really cool. Mix up your Sway theme by clicking “Change my mood” and it allows you to choose new colors, fonts, and backgrounds.
4. Inbox Clutter
Microsoft has developed a tool to help de-clutter your inbox, appropriately named Clutter. Clutter learns which emails you find valuable and which you don’t when you define spam messages as “Clutter”. As time goes on, having learned which are important emails and which are spam, Clutter places them into a folder for you to sort, view and delete as you see fit while not junking up your inbox.
5. Turn rows of data into a map
If you haven’t heard of the Power Map through Excel, today is your lucky day. A Sales person’s dream, Power Map converts your data rows into 3D geographical maps. Break down your Sales territory by city, state, country, or region and bring visuals into the world of numbers and spreadsheets.
Microsoft Office 365 features are designed to enhance your user experience and make your day-to-day tasks simpler and more efficient. To learn about implementing or maximizing the potential of Office 365, call our Managed Service team at 614-212-1111.